Recapping the fascia summit in Germany

Last month I spent five days in Germany. Now, I’m full up of information, research, science, and applications of fascia.

I was in German heaven.

My first stop in Germany was Stuttgart to meet with the brilliant clinician-turned-scientist Christopher Gordon. It’s utterly humbling to chat with Christopher, who is beyond genius. We can chat about basically anything—even things not scientifically quantifiable.

As I embark on clinical research to measure what scientifically MELT does to the body to obtain such great results in pain reduction, I am looking to Christopher to help me decode the raw data we develop during our initial testing.

Recapping the trip

I was headed to Munich, Germany. This is the first time in my entire life that I was flying internationally by myself. My fiancé grilled me with the last-minute checklist to ensure safe travels. I’ve been to Germany before but never Munich. This was going to be one of the most exciting trips of my professional career.

The last time I was in Ulm, Germany with about 60 researchers and practitioners for a small fascia summit. It was the first time I presented MELT to the key researchers that have become instrumental in the refinement of my method of self-care. This time I was invited back to Germany to share MELT at the Perform Better Along with the newly released German version of the MELT Method book I was there to present at three events to share MELT with attendees of this summit. I expected this to be an enlightening weekend.

Since writing the book, “The MELT Method,” I’ve had the privilege to share my message on many platforms from national media and international conventions to group fitness classes and one-on-one environments. Regardless of the size of gathering, it really never gets old to see someone feel changes in their body that they do themselves. I barely need to touch a person and somehow I manage to develop a language that really, anyone can understand.

The missing piece

This trip I shared MELT with the Perform Better Fascia Summit as a headliner along with Robert Schleip and Tom Myers— two of my favorite mentors, colleagues, collaborators, and confidants. I also had the chance to reunite with Christopher Gordon, my colleague and quite frankly soon-to-be teacher of igniting my research studies using MELT. As we embark on much needed research for MELT beyond the research available through my cohorts listed above, this will be a year-long endeavor to initiate multiple small studies to perhaps create research to move self-care methods into our healthcare system.

That is a much-needed element that’s been missing for far too long. With all of the people living in chronic pain, I for one will remain on my mission to help people eliminate it rather than manage it with pain meds.

MELT Training

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